Thursday, February 24, 2011

Finding your art

I have and most likely always will, struggle with the type of artwork I should is a daily emotional tug-of-war....seriously....

As a child, if found joy in drawing ball middle school a papier mache mermaid was a high point in artistic development. In high school, dancers,circus scenes,models...then came college and I lost all we do...

I began to question what I was doing...what was the point...and began digging deep for imagery..and struggled with it all emotionally..and it was so unpleasant to talk about my work in critique...

A few amazing things happened...

I started to understand shading .....
I fell inlove with printmaking, and drawing, ceramics, and sculpture...
And I started thinking about th creative influences I had had since childhood and wondering how I could use all of this knowledge.

Today, how many years later...I am drawing mermaids and fairies...playing...I am not struggling with "what are you trying to say" with this work....I am just making the work for the sake of making it...and it gives me joy....

Isn't it funny how sometimes,how the things that brought us joy in childhood,bring us joy today?

I may not get invited to show in an art gallery with this work...but I don't seem to be in that loop, I might as well enjoy the work, if nothing else....


lilylovekin said...

I like to think that I'm reconnecting with my real soul when I remember the things of my childhood that brought me joy and bring me joy again. That is what it is all about doing things that bring JOY!

Unknown said...

I went through exactly the same cycle. Except it was kitties and fantasy animals and the occasional fairy princess during my childhood and again now.

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