Friday, July 20, 2012

Lost in thoughts

From time to time i find myself lost in too many thoughts...sometimes, this is a good thing, sometimes, it just ends badly...sometimes there is just the feeling of being a little bit Lost...or maybe...VERY lost in all of those darn thoughts...

I'd love to use the excuse:"i 'm an is the way we are." that would be such a relief to be able to get away with that...and for others to dismiss you as such...but, let's get real...

Things can seem much bigger than they are...much more daunting...or hopeless...

I like when things seem much better than they

I work very hard at finding the positive in all all situations..or in all life isn't always easy...especially when you are in the big middle of can be hard to know which way is up when you are drowning...and in moments of clarity, it is best to head toward the light...
(the painting shown is titled: meditating is a watercolor and can be found at the following link

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