Wednesday, April 20, 2011

words i'm living by right now

"make lots of bad art so you
can get to the good stuff." future

i heard her say this at an art teacher conference over a year ago. The workshop was about making your own work as an artist when you are an art teacher...

One thing i found when i was teaching art, was that i realized i felt a lot of frustration, and jealousy with/of my students, in that they were getting to do the things i wish i had time to do...i was showing them how to do the things i wish i had time to do...

now, that i'm a wahm...i have time...or at...... least more than i did...

now, the thing that stops me is that i feel like the quality of my work has to be perfect...i think it comes from spending so much time teaching others....

or maybe it is just the artist in me?

i dunno...

but i don't have THAT much time...i have just enough...enough to do a little bit here...a little bit there...

another artist that i met last november told me that when she became a mother for the second time, sheer determination helped her to keep making art. She figured out how to make it work for her. She did small pieces and then put them all together...

so, i keep telling myself:

make lots of bad stuff to get to the good....make your work work for you right now...

another thing that is ringing in my ears, is something i heard in march...

" when you come from a place of sincerity, everything works out".

this one is good for me, in these days when i see all of these talented young artists, with their amazing websites, blogs, and ability to promote....

yeah, i could copy them, follow their " scheme" or imitate their whole gettup...but what would be the point?

 i would just get frustrated...because, it isn't isn't what i isn't who i am...

i have been VERY restrained in this blog...trying to be all "professional" and "marketable"...and what has ended up happening...this blog is just friggin boring....

i barely post here because i'm not excited about what i'm doing here...this just feels like something i have to do to make things work...and that isn't who i am....

so, with a deep breathe...the real me is about to appear, a little more each day...and hopefully...with a deep sigh of relief....

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