Thursday, October 13, 2011

a kind nudge from a friend

a dear friend sent me the link to this video this morning....

nothing warms my heart more than when someone lets you know that they are thinking about you....Thank you....

The message in this video is resonating highly with me right now....I was just talking to the hubs about how frustrated i am with my artwork...with how this year has turned out for me inauthentic i feel as an nothing is selling...and if nothing is selling...then i might as well do the work that i really feel connected with instead of trying to do something i think will sell but actually isn't...

I dunno exactly what direction i should head in...

but  i heard something a few weeks an interview i was listening to....and it just shouted out at me....

"that thing that comes easiest to you, is the thing you are supposed to charge the most for...." and right now, it has slipped my mind as to who to credit for this because i have listened to ALOT of inspirational stuff in the last few weeks...(if this was your line, please let me know...i would be happy to credit you and link to your site)

i'm actually not sure what comes easiest to me...that must sound very obnoxious...i would think it was obnoxious if someone else said this...but i'm just not sure if they mean, as far as capability? time? availability?...but i's all of it, right?

so, that is what i need to think on, i suppose....and this video....

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