Sunday, February 26, 2012

nothing new under the sun

Are you stuck in a creative rut? This is an idea I have been mulling around for a very long time... (well pretty much everyday for a few months...and occasionally for a few years....)  I have talked about it. I have written a little about it.There has been a bit of doodling about it.  It has been meditated on. I foresee future mullings on the subject as well.
What it, the idea that there is 'nothing new under the sun' comes down to, really, is an simply create.... 

nothing new under the sun  What a feel the freedom to create without fear, anxiety or concern about judgement or ridicule...

There have been times...especially in the last few years...when I have struggled with what to do with myself...on a personal level..and on an artistic level....

  • i have tried to create things i thought others might like...
  • i have tried to create things i thought might sell
  • i have tried to create things i thought mentors would approve
  • i have tried to create things i thought viewers might want to see more of in a gallery setting or show...
I have too struggled with the idea of originality on MANY levels...

the frantic thoughtfest:
"If i do this or that, will i be considered original?"
"Will someone assume i'm copying their style or technique?"
"If i add this color , will someone freak out and scream FOUL because it is their signature color"  ...etc.etc.etc..blah blah blah...

This kind of thinking, does nothing for your ability to create....except stop you in your steps...and in the end you have nothing but this huge, frustrating, internal dialogue, that does nothing but squelch your creative voice....

The words that ring true in my head...the loudest...that set me free...creatively....
"there is nothing new under the sun...."
nothing new under the sun
I don't need to worry about all of that other mumbo jumbo because:

1. i'm not trying to copy a style...
2. My own aesthetic will come through, even if i'm using the same techinique
3. Anyone who claims they came up with something first, is probably full of it...because


In conclusion...there are just people who are faster than others to tap into the latest meme....or, touch the chord that needs to be touched at that moment...that's all...

-there are creative ebbs and flows...just like everything else in life...things come and go...and it is this understanding, that set you free artisticly....

you deserve to allow yourself to create.....nothing new under the sun

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