Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Real food: quinoa, eggs , swiss chard

 My garden is filled with swiss chard. I can't seem to use the stuff fast enough. Fortunately we have a freezer and i can put it back for later. Though i must admit, we struggle to enjoy it, despite how good it is for us. So, i have finally found a few ways we seem to like it best. Here is just one...
In scrambled eggs...even my youngest loves it and east every bite on her plate, sometimes snagging some from mine as well.

as the eggs are cooking i simply add chopped swiss chard, garlic, and chopped sweet peppers...then after it is plated we add some cheese...nom nom nom

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Autoimmune Disease: how i deal with it

I spent half my life not knowing why I felt bad or unhealthy...and then once I was told I had hypothyroid I spent ten years being either in denial or undertreated. 

It wasn't until I was pregnant with my youngest that the words "hashimoto's thyroiditis" were even spoken to me.(How is that even possible in this day and age of technology? I still don't know.)

 In the last two years it has been a roller coaster ride of facing the issue,  getting meds right,  researching what might help, and attempting to get to some form of "healthy." 

I am so fortunate that I have the love and support of my husband. It is in researching, joining support groups and forums, thinking about my own past, that i realize just how few people really have the support of someone who loves them when they are dealing with what so many of us refer to as our "invisible disease."

I can't say I am healed.
I can't say I feel awesome.
I'm not, and i don't.

But, here is what i do to try to feel better.

1. Exercise: I do yoga...for me yoga is one of the best things i have done for myself...

2. Meditate:

3. Rest:

4. Take my medicines:

5. Eat right:

6. Take vitamins:

7. Get outside as much as possible

8. Laugh as much as possible.

9. Hug as much as possible.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Urban gardening

One of the first things I knew I wanted to do when we made the move from the city to the burbs, from apartment living to a house with a yard ...was to have a garden. 
Gardening is in my soul. I can't say I have  a green thumb. But I can say that from my earliest memories, I have felt a connection with nature, plants, the sky, the trees around me. There is a holy presence in all of it. Growing things is on par with creating. And creating is, in my opinion, one of the closest acts we can get to a connection with Spirit.  

There are so many reasons to garden.

1. Growing your own food is inspiring.
2. Gardening is a great way to connect with your children. It is important for our kids to understand where their food comes from...especially before it is processed and turned into some weird product that doesn't even resemble real food anymore. 
3. Growing your own food, even if it is just herbs, is a beautiful experience. It is truly an amazing act of science, nature, and a miraculous events to witness a plant come from a tiny seed.
4. Gardening has a natural calming affect....trust me, if you feel like crap, just go walk through a garden, or in nature, and you will feel better.

We live in a time where most of our grocery isles are filled with items that aren't even "real" food....which is very sad...and i have to wonder, WHY?

I garden because I love gardening....but I also garden because it is imperative to me that my children grow up with this, if nothing else, in their memory banks, with the hope that as they grow up, they will also remember the importance of growing real food as well....

Thursday, July 4, 2013

my yoga story: not a standard yoga teacher

So.....truth be told....I am always hesitant to tell people that I am a yoga teacher....


Couple of reasons...of course...

1. I don't "look" like a yoga teacher....

I don't "look" like what I think a yoga teacher should look like. I'm just not that stereotypical skinny girl with the long flowing hair,perfect skin, vegetarian/vegan diet, perfect tan, perfect teeth, also known as...a human pretzle....

2. I'm not one of those "rock star" yoga teachers...

you know what I mean....those teachers that walk into the room and can perform their own one man/woman circus act...kinda like Cirque du soleil...and your' all...WHOA..... yeah...not me...nope...

3. I don't really run with the "popular kids"....
yes, there is a "popular kids" pack in every single social situation you will ever find yourself in for the rest of you life....if there is one...and there is...you won't find me in it....not my thing...too much drama...and yes there is drama in yoga...

So when people find out I actually teach yoga...and trust me, i'm working out my own issues with actually using the word "teacher".....but especially if  they don't know me, I'm pretty sure that I kinda bust their brain up for a bit...some people actually have a physical reaction...you know...that whole double take thing...of "WTH!?" as if their brain just farted....and I kinda like rocking their world like that...

On the other hand,some people feel better about being in my class...because they can relate to me and I can relate to them...these are usually people with hip, knee, autoimmune, shoulder and back issues...they are usually afraid to try yoga because of various reason...but, then they see me...and they stick it out...

But,then there are those who give me the once-over, and for some reason think they need to come and either critique me and my class, or walk out...it happens...i have held my toungue very patiently when the critiques come....it is just best that way....

How do I handle this?

Well, I have come to understand that acceptance of myself is really what matters.

Judgement from others...in all reality, has nothing to do with me really...

Judging people is something people have to deal with within themselves...

Stereotypes...aren't real...they are just categories people pigeon-hole people or things in so they can wrap their brains around life...

I enjoy busting that mold...

So, if you ever take a class with me, (right now) you won't find me doing a million handstands or wild things...what you will find is a place where the intention of the practice is simply to help you find peace....that's it...I'm not trying to show off for you and show you just how twisty and bendy i can get....the class isn't about me at all...the class is purely about and for you...fighting your own demons...just like everyone else...including me...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hashimoto s autoimmune

This was me about a month ago. 

The thing about Hashimoto's is you never know when it will hit.

 As I told a friend this week, I don't like to make a big deal about this stuff....I truly believe that we don't want to feed the fire of negativity and that staying focused on the positive is the way to go. But I have also come to the understanding that on those days when I am getting slammed with this autoimmune crap, it is simply best to be honest with people. Simply telling people, " I am not do....(insert whatever activity)....today because...(insert whatever it is throwing at you that day) and explain the facts" usually does the job. 

I have had several people email me in the last few weeks about their own struggles with this autoimmune issue. I don't have all, if any answers at all. I too am just figuring this stuff out. Years of ignoring my own physical needs and simply "pushing through" meant that I did very little research on this issue for myself., until now. And admittedly, now, I have found so much contradictory information out there that I am still sorting through it all as well.

  HOWEVER, the things I do know, and have been forced to learn, is the importance  of being kind to myself, doing what I can to get back to perfect health, and listening to my body when it is crashing.

 In the past I would push through, ignoring the signs and tell myself to get over it and take care of business....now, I have to force myself to rest. Resting has never been a luxury I felt I could afford. Now, it is a requirement. But, I still have to mentally "allow" myself to do it...

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