Thursday, April 7, 2011

Coming to terms

So.... I realized that, like I suspect a lot of artists do, that I am my biggest hurdle.

By this, I mean, I struggle in a few areas that would greatly behoove me to not struggle in....and I can choose to not struggle with them.  

1. Self promotion: I suck at talking about my work. I feel very self conscious and like I am being boastful by doing so. But how is that helpful to feel that way?

2. I feel guilty about being an artist.    It's true.....I think,there are some deep seeded reasons for this....but that's something I should just put into my artwork.

3. I allow what others say to really eat away at my spirit...and that stops me creatively...

All of these things are creativity killers..

4. Oh, and let me not forget the phrase : did you get paid? Is there any money in it?
This seems to be the very first thing people who don't do art, or think that art or being an artist is frivolous ask. This is also the first thing that a lot of students ask. While YES i DO want to GET is a killer when that is ALL people want to though your worth as an artist is only equal to how much you "get paid"...and any artist worth their salt, know there are a lot of us out there worth our salt....who have even made history...and never GOT PAID....
Man if that doesn't kill my spirit and make me want to give up...

however, having said all of has made me think about something for a future post about "getting paid" as an artist...and my personal attitude about that....

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