There, it's if you didn't notice already...,but saying, er... 'writing' it out loud...well, makes it real...right?
So today, this is what hit me right between the is from Sandi Krakowski at and was posted on her FB page earlier this moring...
" Biz idea- What do you do so well you could do it in your sleep? You talk about it so much ppl say shut up! That's it. Do it on a blog! 24/7"
So, i'm also just going to say...this isn't a new concept...i've heard this before...(not downing SK at all, keep reading before you judge me) point is...that despite hearing this, several times in my life, in various ways...and despite trying to really tackle it...putting in journals...probably blogging about it...yadda yadda always seemed like a mystery to me...
Because the fact is...i like to do, talk about, see, make, learn...TOO MANY is's a problem i in, i want to learn how to do everything...i want to see everything...i want to breathe in's bucket list is very long....
Having said that...i, for some reason, realized, just today....that right now, in my life, despite all of this....there are three things that have always been important to me....
it's true....and those are the three things i talk about all the time to the point of most likely driving everyone i know completely insane....
and i'm ok with that...(tee hee...)
Art is something i have done since i can remember, before i even knew it was called "art"....the act of creating, drawing, making, things, is something i don't remember ever being gone from my life...
My children and my husband, are on my mind 24/'s true...everything i do, revolves around how it affects their lives...everything...maybe to the point of being obsessive...i dunno...we'll let the psyche majors figure that part out...but, family is the first thing i think about when i wake up and the last thing i think about when i go to sleep at night...
And, then there is yoga...while my Yoga practice is relatively young, only becoming more serious after a year of dedicated study....the more i study it, the more i realize how much it was already a part of my life before i even began to understand it...and what is even funnier is that others told me this years ago, but i never saw it....
So, while this blog has sort of been leaning that direction kinda feels like a major breakthrough for me to have three things to focus on, without a doubt, now...
so, if you don't like, art, family, or yoga,
because that is how i roll.....