Sunday, April 18, 2010

an invitation

I have been contacted via FB by a local artist/entrepenuer to display my artwork in her galler/shop in the design district in Dallas. It is part of Illumin 'arte at 1727 levee st. Her gallery will be called The Green Room. She saw my work on FB and told me it was "lovely"... Which is quite a compliment, considering that i feel like i can do som much better if i have the time to actually sit down uninterrupte and do some real work.  Generally, the work i ge to do these days is crammed into time when things might be slighlty quiet and doted with questions and multi-tasking out the, "lovely" is QUITE the compliment to me.

The concept behind THE GREEN ROOM is to have a boutique of sorts that offers upcycled or recycled items, everything is GREEN...and since my artwork tends to use alot of found objects or things i simply refuse to throw away because they are so corn husks, or fabric, or scraps of paper that i ripped from another work qualifies...and i never actually thought about it like that until now...i was just thinking i had some awful OCD Hoarding syndrome...which...may still be true..but hey, at least I'm actually doing something with it...

Since, kiddo will ahve to be out of school again on Monday, we have had a plan to go and see the gallery space after his Opthamologist appt.  The owner wants me to "get a feel for the place" so that when i am making more work it might inspire me...

to be honest, i'm already excited and told her i don't need to see the place, but will anyway.

I like the design district in Dallas...I would absolutely love to work from one of the warehouse /office spaces...conduct workshops and have art openings...much like they did for Dio-rama-o-rama last spring....

I am very excited about this opportunity. I feel like lately the art karma doors have been opening to me again...and ijust have to keep saying "yes" to those gifts that are handed to me instead of shying away or telling myself i can't do it like i have so many times before...sooner or later, people stop asking...and you have to start all over...the last time this happened, when shows were handed to me, i was pregnant with kiddo....(like i am now) and i pulled out of that world because so many people told me i had some ways, i always felt like it was a huge mistake...i don't want to make the same mistake again...

I am an artist...not JUST an art teacher...i teach because i have to...and i am fortunate to get to...but there is more to what and who I am...and what i do...and letingthe world tell me i can't do it, is a mistake that has only left me bitter and unhappy...and that isn't good for the people i doesn't set a good example for my children, to deny what i can do....if anything, it only makes them sad to see me hide my light....just like i have seen others do...

so, I'm going for it...and kiddo is going with me to the gallery, like he has been asking to do for some time now.."when are we goingto another art show?"... and i will plug along...and see what happens...
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